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Letters to Editor

Medicare plan is a ripoff

To the editor: The unions pushing the Medicare Advantage plan state only 66,000 retirees are against this plan ...

A labor hero

To the editor: The Organization of Staff Analysts, a small New York City union, lost out on a golden opportunity in its awarding of their Labor Hero award.

Georgia on GOP’s mind

 To the editor: In the wake of no-red-wave elections, Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, said that it is very important that the Republicans help Hershel Walker win the Senate seat in Georgia in the runoff against Senator Rafael Warnock.

It’s not Reaganomics

To the editor: An unpopular president sitting at 44 percent approval at the end of his second year in office.  Stubbornly high inflation around 8 percent. A country mired in a recession.

Challenge Adams

To the editor:  Mayor Eric Adams' actions repeatedly have me hoping someone will challenge him in the 2025 Democratic mayoral primary. Let's start with the assertion by Adams' Labor Relations Relations Commissioner Renee Campion

The context of no context

To the Editor: Roger Thornhill, the character played by Cary Grant in “North by Northwest,” defends his profession. “Advertisers don’t lie, they use expedient exaggeration," he says.

GOP's angry agenda

To the editor: The abortion issue is being used by the GOP as a tool to confuse and conflate the white supremacist and misogynist positions of the Trump-inspired Republican Party.

A betrayal

To the editor: New York City retirees have been betrayed by the current and former NYC Mayors and the MLC.

Contract is no bargain

To the editor: Republicans differentiate from Democrats by taking a lot more from workers. But Democrats still take some away.See The Chief article "Quality of life concerns weigh heavily on …

A fuller truth on Medicare

To the editor: In a recent communique to active and retired members of District Council 37, Executive Director Henry Garrido asked that members contact their City Council Members to tell them that they are in favor of amending the NYC Administrative Code 12-126.

A sick idea

To the editor: Mayor Eric Adams, the Office of Labor Relations and the complicit Municipal Labor Committee (MLC) want city employees and retirees to think that a Medicare Advantage plan is a win-win for all.

Consider the alternatives

To the editor: Both DC37 and the UFT are urging their members to contact the City Council to amend Section 12-126 of the Administrative Code. The proposed amendment, which does not yet have a sponsor, would weaken health insurance protections for both municipal retirees and in-service employees. 

Hochul failing us

To the editor: A bumper sticker has this saying: "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."    Here in 2022 we have a governor and a legislature with a super-majority that needs to be changed. WalletHub in March 2022 identified New York State as having the "highest tax burden" based on property, income, sales and excise taxes as a share of total personal income.  

An admonishment

To the editor: In the article "UFT begins bargaining for new contract” (The Chief, Oct. 21), the paragraph “There are also concerns that increased health care costs, which have drained the Health Insurance Premium Stabilization Fund, could interfere with the city's ability to provide substantial raises" is not totally correct. 

Unions need accountability

To the editor: In September, The Chief ran a story about the Transit Workers Union opposing a bill that would ban horse carriages. Most recently, I see that many unions are siding with Mayor Eric Adams trying to get the City Council to force city retirees into a retirement plan that they don’t want. 

Carriage life is no horseplay

To the editor: Responding to Bob Croghan’s letter titled “Kill the horses?” (The Chief, Oct. 7): A recent poll revealed that 71 percent of New York City voters support a ban of horse …

Putin far from only villain

To the editor: Obviously, neither Vladimir Putin nor anyone else should threaten to use or use nuclear weapons. But there are many problems with Michael Gorman's "Take out Putin" letter (Oct. 14 …

The ills of Medicare Advantage

To the editor: A page one blockbuster article in the Oct. 8 issue of The New York Times should be a wakeup call for all active and retired city workers.  The article examines how multiple health …

Take out Putin

To the editor:  In response to Vladimir Putin’s threats to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine, President Joe Biden said that could lead to Armageddon. The definition of …

The bad old days

To the editor: Predictably, GOP gubernatorial hopeful Lee Zeldin is running one of the ugliest campaigns in recent memory. For one ad, he seems to have scoured the internet for every closed circuit …

Spend wisely

To the editor: Our national debt has now reached $31.130 trillion and is on a path to grow by trillions more for years to come. Today's tab averages $93,423 per citizen or $247,325 per …

An alarming blue streak

To the editor: There are few people more destructive to society than corrupt cops, and fortunately for the American people, they are a small minority in the federal, state and city police …

Tutti Frutti Loopi on Medicare

To the editor:  Municipal Labor Committee leader Harry Nespoli would have city retirees believe that the only way to save the city's Health Insurance Premium Stabilization Fund from bankruptcy is …

Kill the horses?

To the editor: I grew up in the city when there were still many working horses. The “old clothes” wagons and the “fresh vegetable” wagons were still around and came up along University Avenue …

A couple of disagreements

To the editor:I rarely disagree with Howard Elterman. But I have two problems with his "Adams reflex responses unhelpful" letter (The Chief, Sept. 16).First, I agree with him that bad cops should not …

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