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Letters to Editor

Cartels wreaking havoc

To the Editor: Toilet paper, auto microchips, lumber, meat, gasoline and now baby formula. Since March 2020, we have seen supply issues (and skyrocketing prices) for all these consumer products.  

GOP tilt is out of balance

To the Editor: Former first lady Rosalyn Carter famously once said of the man who replaced her husband “I think he makes us comfortable with our prejudices.” 

Mayor fails on Covid leadership

To the Editor: Mayor Adams has done a disservice to New Yorkers with his wrongheaded response to the recent Covid surge.

To the Editor:   Only a short time into the gubernatorial primary season, I already find myself weary of the ubiquitous campaign ads. One constant theme coming from those who wish to …

‘Lettin ‘em loose’ too often

To the Editor: Mayor Eric Adams is outraged about the failure to effectively prosecute gun crimes and put  criminals in jail. He knows it’s not primarily the fault of the police, but …

Unions Must Prioritize

To the Editor:   Most new hires with the city of New York are required to live within the five boroughs when starting a new position. However, new hires struggle to find housing that is …

A serious question

To the Editor:   The more we learn about the attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021, the more apparent it becomes that numerous GOP legislators were actively involved in this horrific event.  …

Deliver better value

Gubernatorial candidates Tom Suozzi and Lee Zeldin, joined fellow members of Congress ... in signing a Jan. 28 letter to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services praising "high-quality, patient-centered" Medicare Advantage (MAP) plans. These representatives wrote that MAPs "consistently deliver better care and value."

Not resting easy

To the Editor:   “Woke”: the Hard Right’s newest four-letter word. You may have noticed that I didn’t say right-leaning, Conservatives or Republicans. Those designations no longer exist; …

Medicare disadvantage?

To the Editor:  Surprise: The inspector general’s Office for the Department of Health and Human Services did a study and found that the Medicare Advantage Plan offered to NYC retirees was a …

Adams playing hide and seek with his taxes

To the Editor: Mayor Eric Adams appears to be playing the "Trump game" with his taxes. That is, rather than transparency on his finances, he has chosen to be opaque and evasive, and then delay and …

Mayor needs rethink on Rikers

To the Editor: Mayor Adams claims that he and his correction commissioner can “fix the problems” at the Rikers Island jail complex. Adams’ actions, however, clearly show that he is part of the …

More does not come with less

To the Editor: As the gubernatorial race begins in earnest, we are, once again, hearing the same old tired campaign rhetoric that I thought we had left in the past. I am talking about the false, …

Raise the minimum wage

To The Editor:The criticisms of Starbucks' anti-union activities in the April 15 Chief were on the money. But many other companies' employees need unions as well.Starbucks pays its baristas, the …

Keep traditional Medicare

To The Editor: Why did over 65,000 NYC Retirees opt out of the proposed Medicare Advantage Plan (MAP) and support traditional Medicare (TM)? The closed-door deal between NYC and the Municipal …

Doubting Justice Thomas

To The Editor: The recent revelation that Ginny Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, communicated with then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows following Donald Trump’s 2020 election …

Profiles in cowardice

To The Editor:In 1955, the junior senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy, penned the book “Profiles in Courage.” The main thesis was that the preeminent value of a U.S. senator is the …

The mayor’s swing and a miss

To The Editor: Mayor Eric Adams seems to have the problem of many election winners. Once taking office, he acts like a politician. Suddenly, the skepticism he had for the …

Redo criminal justice reform

To The Editor: As a former NYPD detective and former assistant district attorney, it is apparent to me that public officials can implement common sense reforms to end New York City’s crime wave, but …

The right writing programs

To The Editor: Mayoral control of schools means $200 million earmarked for literacy development, meaning more money to publishers with unproven results that could actually damage literacy …

Exemption is the wrong message

To The Editor:Mayor Eric Adams had to make a tough decision, and he blew it. He denies that he has a double standard by giving performers an exemption from the vaccination mandate while all …

Cops and domestic abuse

To The Editor: A former NYPD sergeant, Jose Guerrero, nicknamed “the karate cop,” is suing the Yonkers PD for charging him, and the NYPD for firing him, in connection with the shooting of the …

Lesser of evils?

To the editor: I have often wondered why ordinary folks continue to vote against their own interests, even when the person they vote for is clearly unsuited for office. Recently, it occurred …

To the Editor: The Daily News once again has a commentary (March 7 edition) arguing against using "dangerousness" as a reason to jail someone pending trial. But when you have a person who …

School administrators earned extra pay

To the Editor: I'm not big on defending school administrators who cry when they don't get paid for work they've done when off the clock, especially when many of these same administrators expect …

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