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Spot on. Unfortunately, the crime spike that Covid gave rise to, created a conservative narrative that "soft on crime" policies were at fault rather than the social disconnection the pandemic caused. Look at the hysteria surrounding bail reform with zero empirical evidence proving a direct relationship to rising crime. City leaders and police chiefs across the country responded to the "soft on crime" critique by taking aggressive measures like Scorpion. Pounds of "cure" have never been as effective as ounces of "prevention". When disingenuous self-promoters like Lee Zeldin and Ron DeSantis start blaming "woke" policies for crime, it is incumbent upon liberal leaders to point out that the high crime rates in Red States like Florida. As well as the very real fear parents have that their children will be gunned down by someone who was able to get their hands on a gun due to the loose gun laws promoted by the Zeldin's and DeSantis' of the country.

From: Top cop’s responsibility

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