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Nothing ever stays the same but I agree giving up on the basic principles of what you joined a UNION for is the pension protection, medical and some security of safety in various aspects. I believe no one in the new Generation is paying attention to pensions as much as the past employees. They more focused on $$ and they many young who feel strong are sacrificing medical as long as the pay is good. Many aren’t caring families or remember or know the struggle to gain those benefits. They are even craving for strikes like some game. When management ( govt) supports the right to strike something is wrong. The CEO’S / GOVT are preparing for future strikes. They already have a hidden plan that involves automation and the new work force underestimates this serious threat in the future. New Generation only thinks of now maybe a few years down the line. While the employers are looking long term. Sacrifice some now and take a hit gain control in the long term before they wake up.

From: City unions' decline

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