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To the editor:
On March 9, Donald Trump held another unhinged rally in Rome, Georgia.
Speaking to his throng, he told them that law enforcement is being weaponized against “Joe Biden’s top and only political appointment, a guy named me.”
Is Trump referring to himself in that manner in an attempt to somehow internally distance himself from himself and his crimes? Make what you will of Trump’s word melange.
Regardless how many times Trump repeats the lie, law enforcement is not being weaponized against him. Further, Trump isn’t Biden’s “political appointment.”
Trump has made dozens of gaffes and blunders on the campaign trail. He confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, thinks Barack Obama is still president and has been unable to pronounce dozens of everyday words. Yet, the depravity of the twice-impeached and four-times indicted Machiavellian laughing stock continues to manifest itself.
At the Georgia rally, Trump entertained his multitude by mocking Joe Biden’s speech impediment saying “I’m gonna bring the country to-to-to-together.” In response to the ridicule, his ravenous swarm buzzed and hummed in excitement while praising and applauding their “dear leader.”
Trump’s abject depravity is surpassed only by his complete lack of empathy. He is antisocial, egocentric, morally bankrupt and devoid of remorse and sound character. Is this the role model America wants?
How many school children that stutter, live with physical and mental health challenges or have other types of speech impediments are being bullied and picked on because Trump’s MAGA youth want to be like Trump? How many adults have been bullied and attacked because of learned behavior from Trump?
Donald Trump is a clear and present existential threat to America’s homeland and he has been undermining democracy for years.
“He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind ...”
Marc Bullaro
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Everyone should watch Jon Stewart's opening monologue from yesterday's (3/11/24) Daily Show. In 14 minutes, Stewart exposes what Trump and his supporters mean to this country. Supporter after supporter tell Daily Show reporters that America NEEDS a dictator. One even says he is behind Trump even if Trump were to shoot someone on the steps of the Whitehouse. Trump isn't the only one who exhibits abject depravity and moral bankruptcy - his supporters deserve recognition as well.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Report this
This shows he only cares about himself, not his supporters. Why his supporters give him money, I don't know. It's going to fund his legal battles and his legal bond.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Report this