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To the editor:
I was terribly sad to read of the death of Tim Schermerhorn of TWU Local 100. He was an activist and at one time a vice president. However, more than anything, he was a worker of, by and for the workers. He was the most unassuming person I ever met. It was quite refreshing to encounter a person of this nature. His daily attire was coveralls held up by suspenders. With Tim, what you saw was what you got.
In the beginning, the New Directions Movement had new members. We were some 10 or 12 workers seated around a table. Tim, who chaired the meetings, conducted them in a calm, laid-back manner. I never heard him raise his voice or ever get angry. He gave everyone an opportunity to be heard. He submitted his proposals to a vote and abided by the democratic will.
Tim took his job seriously, not himself. It was about the workers. I vividly remember with deep gratitude the phone call he made to me after I was fired and was on my way out of a job. He told me that he had made a deal with management to keep my job. In the tone of his voice there was no boasting. His manner was of a decent, kind and compassionate person doing something for another individual and brother transit worker.
It was this basic goodness of Tim that made the passage through life and those who had contact with him a little easier and made them a better person.
As time went by, a number of people who could be called politicians, took control of top positions for the union. These people were more interested in themselves than others and what is, first and foremost, the best for the union. However, Tim remained faithful to who he was and what the union was about.
I cannot believe that this wonderful man is not here anymore. However, what I can believe in is the human race because of the presence of Tim Schermerhorn on earth. He touched the heart and soul of people with the nobility of his character and the union was better for it.
And so, I salute Tim Schermerhorn for a job well done.
Richard Laurie
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