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To the editor:
I think it is unconscionable that the city of New York wants to reduce the benefits of people who worked for them for at least a quarter of their lives and yet give people who entered the country illegally free food, housing, medical care, spending cash, cellphones, legal representation and flights to the city of their choice. All that and they did not have to take a competitive exam and show up for work every day: They just take advantage of the law-abiding citizens to get money to spend on law breakers. We worked and paid for those benefits! Where is JUSTICE?
Alfred Improta
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I will give you one better; How about a city worker that experienced a disaster (fire in our apartment) a single parent with a bipolar daughter had to FIGHT to get some help and some of those same benefits that WE worked and paid for. How hurtful is that, Unconscionable is an understatement!
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Report this
Why does everything become an "us verses them" proposition? The city decided to illegally switch retirees to medicare advantage long before migrant asylum seekers entered - which by the way are here legally under U.S. law - so migrants or not the city planned to take away our benefits.
As for why the city gives asylum seekers the things you mention is because they are human beings and without food, housing, medical care, etc. they would starve to death. Sadly, U.S. law that forbids them from working and earning their own way. If Congress changed the law most if not all asylum seekers would quickly find jobs.
Friday, March 29, 2024 Report this