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I believe strikes are necessary if all else fails and negations, when Pension, medical job security are key and if it take months , years with no end in site. I believe a strike is something not to take likely. I’ve been in a strike.I stayed out with my union and watched . Study the positive and Negative effects of strikes. I witness many craving to strike for some of the most unrealistic demands and childish requests by coworkers who never felt any economic pain , damage strikes do or participate actively on areas of the union. When a strike happens and the lost of pay, medical, etc they cry , first group to break the strike that they pushed for. So it’s not a great thing when those strike breakers take it as a party or vengeance for personal gain but don’t take into account lively hoods , expenses and economic damage to both sides. Now Govt is supporting strikes something is wrong they know technology and robotic systems are here and will be in many areas that WILL replace humans at high levels. Strikes won’t be as effective as some may think. Transit Bus and subway will eventually be all automated in-the near future. Transit wants a strike to push faster automation. Maybe depends on Taylor law changes that benefits , pay stop immediately when a contract is up careful what you wish for!!!!!!

From: Veto the Taylor Law

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