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To the editor:
If I could write a letter to our riders at North America’s largest transportation system, the MTA, it would go something like this:
Everything here is not peaches and cream as much as management states. There is much within the system we do not and cannot control. We certainly do not determine the toll or fare increases. We are not rich. Many live paycheck to paycheck. We try the best we can everyday.
All we want to do is go to work and then come home exactly how we came in. We want to be safe and sound while helping as many people as we can. Many times we lack needed details to deliver correct information to riders and for that we apologize.
We understand that the system is often cumbersome and bureaucratic. We often feel the same way but our insight or opinion on how to make the system better is not heeded.
We often do not feel represented or respected. We get it from all sides. Often we are not defended and are often injured. We are the face and workers of transit.
Our jobs are dangerous and often hazardous but we try our best to deliver as much service as we can and make sure everyone gets to where they have to go under all conditions and situations. We are forever grateful for your kindness.
Celso Garcia
The writer is a bus operator.
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Unfortunately this letter above is true. Transit being underground is far worse. The conditions are extreme and very Dangerous. The work is difficult especially under environmental conditions and homeless “bringing in their world” into the system. We work in a tunnel that doesn’t forgive if a mistake is made. The employees after a number of years below ground are drained and regardless what energy and positive work ethics one brings they feel used discarded as management feels a certain way on any given way. Management is also pushed to the limit with a lot of bureaucratic red tape. Opinions and fresh ideas on all sides are just tossed. Micro managing isn’t the answer but some managers bring it the first chance they get regardless if you’re an excellent employee or the worse. Middle ground is rare and not on the minds of management even if that way adds big benefits for all sides. Skilled trades are treated as second class and ruled by unskilled trades who make up rules and regs that do not work but are forced as a one size fits ALL. Just doesn’t add up!!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Report this