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Budget fodder



To the editor:

Mayor Eric Adams is proposing massive cuts to all city services despite having a huge surplus. He is saying a recession is coming and that he needs to cut schools, public transportation, parks, community programs and spending across the board 5 percent. 

He argued that the cause is he has to ramp up spending on migrants that have arrived (scapegoating) because of the buses Texas Governor Greg Abbott has filled and sent to the city. Humans should not be subject to the whims of politicians. 

The city has gotten so expensive and they have streamlined massive building for luxury rentals and for the super rich. We have the most billionaires per capita in the world. We also have the most millionaires per capita. We are the banking center of the world, yet there is so much poverty and stripping of services for the working people and poor. 

Best of all, Adams could be under investigation for public corruption and campaign finance violation but he gives great speeches and makes it seem as if he is so honest, such a good person.  City College will lose millions in mid year budget cuts. The City Council passed increases and now he is using his power to unilaterally institute budget cuts mid-year. He did the same thing last year and failed because the community launched to the streets and fought him at every turn.

Celso Garcia


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