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To the editor:

Manhattan Civil Court Judge Shahabuddeen A. Ally initially imposed an injunction against New 

York City Transit to stop them from forcibly switching their TWU Local 100 employees from Medicare to Medicare Advantage and set a hearing for Jan. 23rd. After receiving affidavits from NYCT lawyers and union representatives, who are working in collusion on this scheme, he lifted the injunction.

Management and labor united to present the dubious arguments that the injunction will hurt us retirees and cause confusion. So we will be hurt and confused if we are not forcibly switched from Medicare to a private Medicare Advantage plan? So the judge lifts the injunction before he even hears retirees' arguments. So did the judge cave in to pressure from powerful interests? His reversal certainly does not indicate logic or integrity. 

I have my Medicare card and premiums are deducted from my Social Security for Medicare. So I will continue to use it. If the union chooses to penalize me for doing so, I will deal with it. Though I hope the judge's decision can be appealed. A rational justification for lifting the injunction would be as easy to find as spelling the judge's name.

Richard Warren

Richard Warren is a former New York City Transit worker.


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    Richard, please reach out to the Retiree Group, TWU100R that is handling that litigation. You STILL have a fight against this. Sadly, the MTA and TWU Local 100 feel Medicare Advantage (MA)is great, we know better! You cannot use your red white and blue Medicare Card after 1/1/24.. Yes, Your Aetna MA plan was put into effect, but the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees has not only stopped retirees from going into them, and two unions successfully blocking them at the negotiating table, we got ONE retiree group the ability to go back to traditional medicare after being in the Aetna MA Plan for two years! DOnate to the TWU100R legal battle, you have a good chance to win this! Next court date is January 29th! Go here for details, donations and contact. DON'T give up hope! www.twu100R.org They are also on facebook under the orgs name. When Labor fights, we win! Remember that! Failed leadership got us here... the union needs better educated labor leaders!!! We do not privatize Medicare! (or anything for that matter!)

    Thursday, January 11 Report this