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Stop the furor


To the editor:

On Dec. 16, during a campaign stump in New Hampshire, Donald Trump created another furor by declaring that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America. His fanatics applauded and cheered his dehumanizing rhetoric while others throughout America and the world cringed in horror at the flashback of the Nazi megalomaniac and genocidal murderer Adolf Hitler.

In his 1925 book, “Mein Kampf,” Hitler wrote, “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally created race died out from blood poisoning.” At Hitler’s rallies, his adherents also applauded and cheered his dehumanizing rhetoric that led to the slaughter of millions.

Is this a folie à deux a century apart?

Were the delusions of grandeur and misanthropic rhetoric passed from Hitler to Trump or are Trump’s beliefs solely his own? Trump stated he didn’t read “Mein Kampf.”

Trump is a fascist tyrant who consistently seeks to manipulate the selfish nature of mankind with fear and hate. Like tyrants before him, the self-proclaimed “stable genius” creates a scapegoat to blame for America’s problems and of course he is the solution.

According to Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, the human psyche consists of three components, the ego, id, and superego. The id is derived from instinctual needs. It wants gratification and pleasure. This is what Trump agitates and manipulates with his hateful rhetoric.

Self-survival instincts and impulses are part of human nature, however, Trump seeks to shock the id of Americans and get them to react in a way where they believe that this is a matter of life or death and they need him to survive. Then, once comfortably cradled in his despotic embrace, he nurtures and feeds his rabble the mother’s milk of superiority and hate.

Stop the fuhrer in America.

Marc Bullaro

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3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • reenjoe

    What more can anyone say. Trump and his followers - described to a tee.

    Wednesday, December 27, 2023 Report this

  • glomedico7

    so Marc is a bleeding-heart liberal charity starts at home China Joe and his supporters should take care of the people who are citizens. the vets should be the first people to be taken care of not illegal aliens

    Wednesday, December 27, 2023 Report this

  • reenjoe

    So, if I understand glomedico7 correctly, Joe Biden, who just gave military members their largest raise in 20 years and signed into law the burn pit bill that allows sickened veterans to sue for damages is not taking care of our soldiers.

    But, Donald Trump, who said John McCain isn't a hero "because he was captured", who refused to visit the graves of Marines killed in WW I because they were "losers", who told Gen. Milley to never bring wounded soldiers like Capt. Luis Avila to ceremonies because "no one wants to see that" and told Gen. Kelly that those who died in war are "suckers" because "there's nothing it for them" that HE is the guy who will take care of our vets.

    Glomedico7 if you really believe that, please educate yourself. No president or candidate for the presidency has ever disrespected our military to the degree Trump has. Your comment only serves to prove the points Mr. Bullaro made in his letter.

    Thursday, December 28, 2023 Report this