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The devil’s advocate


To the editor:

On Dec. 25, while two billion Christians worldwide were celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the reprobate Donald Trump posted a tirade on Truth Social against his perceived enemies.  

He ended his diatribe with impiety shouting, “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS.” 

Is there any low to Trump’s depravity? He corrupts everything he touches. Must he also defile the spirit of Christmas? 

Yet, 80 percent of white evangelical Christians in America support this unabashed connoisseur of wickedness. Not a word from evangelical leaders who refuse to condemn Trump’s sacrilege. They are as quiet as church mice.  

In his book “The Sacred And The Profane,” Mircea Eliade described a “hierophany” as “something sacred that shows itself to us.” Eliade explained, “the supreme hierophany, which, for a Christian, is the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ.”

Christmas commemorates the incarnation of God. 

Trump dishonored the holiness of God and the piety of Christianity with his profane rant on Christmas day. 

Like the golden calf, Trump is a false idol that many evangelicals have worshiped and followed into the political wilderness. How long will they spuriously wander in the wilderness with blind devotion to this heretic? In a prior act of blasphemy Trump claimed to be the “chosen one” and many of his converts believe he is doing the work of God.  

Not only is Trump undermining democracy, now it appears that he is also on an insidious crusade to desecrate the hallowed meaning of Christmas with his hateful political rhetoric and irreverent Christmas “greeting.”

Let me share a revelation with America’s evangelicals. Trump’s beastly behavior is like spiritual anesthesia. It makes you groggy to the fundamental tenets of Christianity. 

“Take heed that no one deceives you," Jesus said. Trump wants you to believe only in him.  

Marc Bullaro


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • krell1349

    These Evangelist Christians are very hypocritical. How can they support Trump?

    Wednesday, January 3 Report this

  • glomedico7

    so you like China Joe telling you what to drive, what stove to cook on, and letting illegal aliens,drugs, High Inflation, homelessness, outrageous debt, and *** trafficking into this country.

    Wednesday, January 3 Report this

  • krell1349

    No, but blame corporations for having things constructed in China. If you have a smartphone, most likely it's made in China, you don't have a choice. Are you willing to pay more to have things made in the US? I am. Trump is not fit to be president. Inflation has gone down and is more a problem in other countries. You will see Trump will be convicted and then let's see where that goes. The debt was incurred during the Trump administration with the phony Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which was a corporate giveaway. My taxes went up because of that law. I agree on immigration but the Republicans won't do anything about since it looks bad for Biden. An agreement can be reached on immigration. The reason the Christian Evangelists are hypocritical is because Trump is a liar and a grifter.

    Thursday, January 4 Report this

  • reenjoe

    It seems glomedico7's comments regarding any issue is "China Joe this and China Joe that" followed by an anti-immigrant tirade. How about you stick to the subject of the letter in question, which is Trump's disgustingly heretical Christmas day tweet.

    Instead of changing the subject, why not present a reasoned argument in defense of Trump's tweet? Oh, I know why - BECAUSE TRUMP'S CONDUCT IS INDEFENSIBLE!!!

    Thursday, January 4 Report this