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Letters to Editor

The Medicare ‘fix’

To the editor: The fix is already in place to allow privately held Aetna’s Medicare Advantage program to replace the current Senior Care Medicare that city employees and retirees have had for many …

‘Right to be fired’ states

To the editor: What would you call an employee who 1) has a perfect attendance record, 2) has received a perfect annual review of her job performance, 3) was hired to do her job but has taken on the …

How many more?

To the editor:  On April 15, Donald Trump addressed the NRA and gave the speech he knew his gun-loving fans wanted to hear. He said the issue is not too many guns; it is too many thugs, hoodlums …

Ticking clock

To the editor: When Americans vote in 2024, they need to consider two things: the obvious dangers from a right-wing extremist Republican Party and Supreme Court, and the less obvious dangers from a …

Dems ain’t always right

To the editor: One of the issues (as of this writing) holding up the state budget is bail reform. I have proposed that all who can reasonably be considered dangerous, or who can be reasonably …

Not mayoral

To the editor: Mayor Eric Adams is quoted as saying "I am a blue-collar mayor who will always stand with the working people of this city-fighting for … better benefits, and a better quality of …

GOP disingenuity

To the editor: So the man who led cheers of “lock her up” (and those who cheered), now complain about politically motivated prosecutions. The difference, of course, is that no specific crimes were …

Something rotten

To the editor: When reading "With Medicare contract nearly inked, retirees organization vows suit” (The Chief, March 31), it seems that worker disunity as well as what I believe are disingenuous …

Supreme deceit

To the editor: In “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” the associate justice said the following in discussing travel preferences: “I prefer RV Parks. I prefer the Walmart parking …

Other options

To the editor: I want to respond to Ron Issac's “Wake-up call” column of March 24. Despite his argument that the mental health system and other programs need fixing, I found his polemical …

City unions' decline

To the editor: The NYC labor movement has a long history of caving to mayoral demands, with devastating givebacks. The lucrative Tier 1 pension transitioned into the diminished Tier 6 pension …

In God's name

To the editor: When Mayor Eric Adams wraps himself in a cloak of religion, he may be consciously or unconsciously seeking immunity from criticism, especially for moral and legal flaws including …

Veto the Taylor Law

To the editor: I'm glad to see that TWU Local 100's president, Richard Davis, is calling for the end of the Taylor’s Law’s strike prohibition for city and state workers. In 1966, then-TWU …

Israel's democratic decline

To the editor: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent moves to change his nation’s judicial system are very troubling. The Knesset passed a bill shielding Netanyahu from removal. Under …

An overdue reckoning

To the editor: The Manhattan Grand Jury’s indictment of Donald Trump is a reckoning for the country.  It reveals not only the likely criminality of the former president, but also the wide gap …

See you in court, mayor

To the editor: I share Michael Gorman’s happiness over the indictment of Donald Trump by Alvin Bragg. Coming on the heels of Mayor Adams’ inking of the poorly conceived Medicare Advantage …

A healthy dose

To the editor: With the indictment of Donald Trump, my health has improved significantly. So far, Alvin Bragg has come through.  Thank you, District Attorney Bragg.  However, with Mayor …

Killer lies

To the editor: Twenty years ago, Al Franken offered a look at the GOP and Fox in a book entitled “Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them.” The book had no impact. Take the gun debate; regardless …

A question of morality

To the editor: The March 24 edition of The Chief contained a variety of articles that showed how New York City government was failing to meet the needs of its residents: a shortage of firefighters and …

A big difference

To the editor: When I turn 65 in a few months, the New York City Transit Authority has a Medicare Aetna Advantage plan at no cost and even refunds the Part B premium the following year in full. I will …

Stormy forecast

To the editor: Donald Trump warned of “death and destruction” if he is indicted for paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels. It looks likely that Trump will be indicted for misdemeanors or …

War’s ongoing cost

To the editor: What are the costs of war whether by direct military intervention, proxy wa or economic war in the form of sanctions and blockades? Who suffers the most from these wars? Who is held …

Medicare dilemma

To the editor: The city’s deputy commissioner of Labor Relations, Claire Levitt, told the City Council in January that the AETNA Retiree Plan is superior to municipal retirees current plan. And the …

Choosing life

To the editor: Regarding “The top civil liberty: the right to stay alive,” Ron Isaac’s column in the March 24 issue of The Chief: Isaac’s column appears right below letters addressing the …

DNC, are you listening?

To the editor: This is an open letter to the Democratic Party; stop cowering over the crime issue and instead, take it on! There is ample video of violent crimes committed in Deep Red States. Just …

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