To the editor: Last time I checked facts are facts and opinion are opinion. We have to learn how to separate the two. The Municipal Labor Committee, along with union leaders Michael Mulgrew, Henry …
To the editor: It’s unclear what facts Mayor Adams found on his “fact-finding” trip to Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia. Not surprisingly, there were multiple staged events and photo-ops promoting …
To the editor: With apologies to Bill Maher, I believe Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster as House speaker is cause for a “new rule.” In keeping with GOP disarray, it seems appropriate to borrow …
To the editor: When I look back on the number of times the political right has been dead wrong, it makes me wonder how it remains a viable ideology. In somewhat chronological order, the right …
To the editor: Morals and decision making are guided by an appreciation for values. Transport Workers Union retirees are striving to join the achievements of organization leaders who took on titans …
To the editor: With the big flood and the imminent shutdown of our government, we New Yorkers faced a disaster of almost Biblical proportions. Imagine if God told Noah to prepare for the Big Flood, …
To the editor: Every country, including the United States, employs a geopolitical strategy and ideology to guide its foreign policy. The Ukraine war is a case in point. President Biden told President …
What am I living for if not for Trump, Why will I take up arms if not for Trump, Why will I lay down my life if not for Trump, Oh nobody else, nobody else will do. What am I longing for election day, …
To the editor: In addition to everything else that's wrong with Donald Trump, the thing that should have every reasonable person opposing him was his attempts, highlighted by the Jan. 6, 2021, coup …
To the editor: Why are union leaders, including TWU 100, in NYC and governments nationwide allowing Medicare Advantage plans for their workers and retirees? They all claim to be cutting fat. However …
To the editor: As an adult who became aware of the early warnings of environmental damage 60 years ago when life in ponds and lakes in the Northeast began dying as a result of so-called “acid …
To the editor: Eric Ulrich, former Department of Buildings commissioner, was sitting with two men, one a mob-connected businessman, in the Cross Bay Diner in Howard Beach. All three men placed their …
To the editor: Mayor Eric Adams has on a few occasions blamed Texas Governor Greg Abbott for the migrant crisis. The problem in New York began when then-Mayor Edward Koch signed Executive Order 124 …
To the editor, Re "Cover Up!" by Richard Warren. While I sometimes virulently disagree with his opinions, I have noted Mr. Warren is not afraid to question/challenge authority and is capable of …
To the editor: If I could write a letter to our riders at North America’s largest transportation system, the MTA, it would go something like this: Everything here is not peaches and cream as much …
To the editor: For several years now, Henry Garrido has asked where the money comes from to pay for NYC retirees health-care benefits. The answer is that the money has been earmarked in the …
To the editor: Mayor Adams said that the migrant crisis “will destroy New York City,” Has he forgotten this is a city that has successfully survived countless crises since its 17 th century …
To the editor: Of all the letters I have written, the one that got the most online pushback was regarding the empty suit known as Ron DeSantis. I wrote how, as a “snowbird,” I have seen firsthand …
To the editor: Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made some excellent points about the migrant crisis. One is that President Joe Biden will have serious problems getting reelected unless he takes …
To the editor: I recently recovered from a (thankfully) mild Covid case. A friend advised me that as an older person (66), I should continue to wear a mask. I didn't and caught Covid in spite of …
To the editor: Due to the Only If It’s In My Own Back Yard mindset, the prevailing collective attitude, however implicit or subconscious, basically follows: ‘Why should I care — my family is …
To the editor: For 10 years, the women and men of the FDNY emergency medical services have been waiting to be paid for work they do, prepping their ambulances with medical supplies and …
To the editor: On August 29, Harry Nespoli, chair of the Municipal Labor Committee, sent a letter to members announcing that the Office of Labor Relations will conduct a Dependent Eligibility …
To the editor: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Wonder Woman to Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, pronounced that she will not support funding the government until Congress begins an …
To the editor: Concerning the "Wage theft pervasive in state" brief (The Chief, Aug. 25), here's an idea on how to get it taken seriously. This would require the legislature to pass a law that would …